Sonicbids Blog - Music Career Advice and Gigs

Live Performance Royalties, or The Other Way Your Gig Pays

Written by Marya Mclaughlin | Jun 28, 2011 03:23 PM
For some people, beer can be a form of payment. But while free drink tickets are a nice perk from playing your local venue gig, even a tall, cold brew doesn’t beat a stack of cold, hard cash. You might think that your cut from the door is the only source of income for your band’s local venue gig. If you’re not a member of a Performance Rights Organization (PRO), then yes, that’s the only payment you’ll get. Which means you’re missing out on Live Performance Royalties every time you take the stage!

ASCAP, BMI and SESAC (the 3 US based PROs) are all making a great effort to make sure their members are paid for their live performances. This includes the gigs that you’re playing.

Performance Royalties are just one aspect of the complicated and evolving world of music publishing. That’s where Songtrust comes in. It’s the first music publishing solution for DIY artists, and will help you navigate the royalty-collection waters. If you tour, sell your music, got a song on television/radio, or your music streams off the web, you could be owed royalties. Songtrust will register your songs, track, and then pay you 100% of the royalties your music earns. Meanwhile, you’ll keep all of the rights to your music, so you won’t have to split any royalties with someone who wasn’t actually involved in writing your songs.

Right now, Sonicbids members can get a 20% discount off a year membership at Songtrust. That is less than $10/month to protect and collect on your music. Click here to get the deal and start making more with your music.