Sonicbids Blog - Music Career Advice and Gigs

New Sonicbids and Your Data

Written by Matthew Stein | Dec 11, 2013 10:58 PM

If you've checked our homepage lately, you probably noticed we launched a new version of our website. However, several key pieces of data are still being updated and moved into the new system. We're going to try to be as clear as possible about what we're working on, so you can rest assured that your data is not lost.

Here are some of the top things we're working on moving for all of our artists and promoters. 

All Previous Submissions: 

This applies to both artists and promoters.  If you submitted to an opportunity in the past, we still have that record. 12 years is a lot of history to move, and it's important to get that right for you. If you look at your profile and don't see your previous submissions and gigs, don't panic. We're migrating that data right now.

Promoters, if you check your promoter inbox, you'll notice that all of your history is not there yet.  Don't panic. It's being moved right now. 


Super important. We haven't lost any of your previous show history. We know that promoters look at this when checking out a band, so we understand how crucial this is. Your performance history should start showing up in your profile with in the next 24 hours.

If you want to add in dates, they won't be overwritten by the migration. Any new information you add will remain in your calendar. Putting in old dates that were already in there before the switch may result in duplicate dates, but you can always go back in and edit them.


Your press links and quotes will also be pulled into your new profiles. It's nice when someone writes a good article about you. Those haven't been lost. You won't have to go through and enter all of those links again. 


This is another dataset we are migrating to the new platform. Your songs are like your children, creations you work hard to bring into this world. We respect that. Your lyrics should be up and in your profile shortly.

Stay tuned here for more updates.  And of course, take a tour through the new product.  If something is missing, jot it down and check back in the next 2 days or so. 

We will be announcing when things are up and ready to rock. At that point, double check all the data in your profile.  Things may not be perfect, some of them you can update yourself to make sure it's the way you want it to look.  If something is still missing after a few days, then let us know and we'll work with you to get it resolved.