Sonicbids Blog - Music Career Advice and Gigs

What to Do When There's No Longer A Plan for Your Music Career

Written by Suzanne Paulinski | Mar 25, 2019 10:00 AM

Image via Shutterstock

Editor’s note: Pieces of this post first appeared in Episode 43 of The Music-Preneur Mindset Podcast: The Pitfalls of Reaching Your Goals.


It’s not hard to realize why goal setting is so important. Having something to work towards gives us clear direction as well as motivation to take action. It often gives us purpose and keeps us from floating around aimlessly.

When we reach our goals our attitude and mindset shift from doubt to confidence and often set off a domino effect for future successes.

But, sometimes, when we’ve completed a large or important goal, it can have the opposite effect on us. Instead of motivating us to keep going, it can stop us dead in our tracks and cause us to feel confused and lost as to where to go next.

When we can determine why a certain goal is important to reach we’re not only more likely to reach it, and reach it more quickly, but we also have a better chance at staying productive after we reach it, because there’s a larger plan in place beyond that one goal.

You’re not expected to have all the answers. But, if you find yourself reaching goals only to feel more confused about where to go than when you began, try one (or all) of these three things to get clarity when you find yourself at a career crossroads.

1. Get clear on your purpose

It’s not about being right or being able to predict the future. But, it’s important to ask yourself:

  • "How will this next goal serve me?”
  • “Where do I hope it leads me in the future?”
  • “Why is this goal relevant to me?”

Many times, we land at a crossroads because we have too many options or too many directions we can go in. When we’re clear on our purpose, those decisions become easier to make. They either serve our purpose or they don’t.

2. Go back to the drawing board (literally)

Vision boarding is a very powerful thing. When you can sit with your thoughts and really hone in on the future you wish for yourself, your body and mind can get clear on what to attract and what to be on the lookout for from the universe. Sure, super “woo woo,” but it works!

Take some time to dream!

Another reason you may find yourself at a crossroads is because you’re no longer motivated to move forward and/or your goals may be changing. You can’t expect the goals you had when you began your journey, possibly years ago, will be the same ones you’re still tied to just as passionately now.

The overall dream may not have changed, but you’ve learned a lot as you’ve gone along and your thoughts about chasing certain things may have changed.

If it turns out your goals haven’t changed much, great! It was still time well spent getting reacquainted with what lights you up, which will motivate you to begin taking action once more, and how to avoid future crossroad conundrums.

3. Assess what you've done and spread the word

As explained above, often our careers stall because we either don’t have a clear goal in mind or we’re simply playing too small and losing touch with what motivates us. When this happens, we tend to not put ourselves out there as much, as our confidence has waned.

It’s okay to not always know what to do next. Sometimes you have to see what life has to offer and decide if it’s something that suits you. By letting people know what you’ve accomplished and where you are now in your career, you’ll have a better chance to be considered for new opportunities.


A great place to start here is creating and/or updating your Sonicbids EPK. EPKs (electronic press kits) serve as a handy digital one-stop-shop of stats and brass tacks so a booking agent or blogger can get a helpful snapshot of your career without having to read through your entire website or check multiple social channels.

Sonicbids not only makes it easy to build an EPK by taking the guesswork out of it, but to also get it out there to people who have opportunities to offer you!

In addition, some booking agents and promoters turn exclusively to Sonicbids to find the right musician for their gigs because they know they’ll find the right information in the way they prefer it presented to them.

Learn more about creating an engaging EPK here.


No matter how you’ve found yourself at your current crossroads, know the best way to get unstuck is to take action. When you realize you have more control of the path you take than you originally thought the answers become clear.

Take one or all three of the action steps suggested above and regain control over your future.


Next up:  How to Set Achievable Goals for Your Music Career


Suzanne Paulinski is a mindset coach and founder of The Rock/Star Advocate. She helps music industry professionals gain confidence and clarity in their goals with a healthy work/life balance. Her book,The Rock/Star Life Planner is now available on Amazon.