Sonicbids Blog - Music Career Advice and Gigs

Reflections on a Trip to Cannes: 48 Hours at midem 2012

Written by Nick Mendez | Feb 6, 2012 11:17 PM

midem 2012 has come and gone, with Sonicbids artists participating in showcases and pitch sessions alike. Our very own ceo Panos Panay and director of sales Steve Canfield were on hand, taking in the sights but mostly speaking with industry compatriots.

Here are some of Steve's thoughts on the event: 

We had a quick but productive trip to Midem, with 20+ meetings in just over 48 hours in France.  The event was well attended by an interesting mix of the old industry, new industry, brands, and technology companies; evidence of how the landscape is changing and events like these are working to keep up.

In addition to great events and no shortage of productive conversations, a key strength of the conference was the quality of its speakers and panels.  One in particular focused on the relationship between Coke and Music Dealers, a great case study on how brands and music companies are coming together to create new opportunities for emerging artists.

Another highlight was Panos' participation in a project called the Marketing Soundbox.  The workshop put together people from brands/agencies, labels, and tech companies (the likes of Puma, Diageo, O2, RIM, Shazam, Universal, and Wieden + Kennedy) to brainstorm and present marketing programs that featured music.   The participants were equally creative and enthusiastic to come together, and it was clear that these types of collaborations will only become more prominent in future ad campaigns and product launches.

Midem continues to be an important event for major players in the music space and becomes even more so for brands and agencies each year. Walking around the conference center, you could see a new group of companies shaping the way music is made, marketed, and distributed -- largely with the support of the old guard that paved the way before them.