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Royal Teeth's GLOW Shines

Written by Jeff Israel | Aug 19, 2013 02:51 PM
Royal Teeth at Sonicbids SXSW Party 2013

These days, it's hard to pigeonhole bands into specific genres. You never know when an indie folk ska band self identifies as a shoegaze death klezmer band. Because of this, I like to categorize bands a little bit more simply; Royal Teeth is a band from New Orleans that makes beautiful music and their songs make me feel good and want to dance.

See? So much easier.

Royal Teeth just put out their debut album GLOW and, not surprisingly, it is full of beautiful songs that make me feel good and want to dance. How is that for consistency?

I had a chance to catch up with Royal Teeth vocalists Gary Larsen and Nora Patterson and ask about their new album.

Sonicbids: How does it feel to have your first full-length album out?

Gary Larsen: It feels amazing. We have been very anxious to get a full length out.The reaction has been better than we could've hoped for. 

Sonicbids: What was your favorite part about the process?

GL: I really loved working in the studio in Toronto. It was fun and felt very natural, like we were doing it the way we were suppose to. Also the reaction from our fans has been one of my favorite parts of this whole process.

Sonicbids: You guys were on the Movers & Shakers List (measuring most sales in a 24 hour period) right after Glow was released, which is pretty insane. How did that feel?

Nora Patterson: It feels incredible. You never really know how people will react. To see it making an impact feels very rewarding.

Sonicbids: You guys put on an incredibly energetic live show. How did that translate to Glow?

GL: It was something we were very conscious of while we were recording. We wanted the energy to translate into the recordings. The way we did that was by not over thinking the process. We tried to keep the natural moments that were unplanned for the album, so it would feel fresh and real to the listener.

Sonicbids: Be honest; how soon after Glow was finished did you think about album #2?

GL: I was thinking about it before we even released #1. I have almost 30 finished and unfinished demos of hopeful songs that I want to keep working on this year. I'm always writing so I think we will have a good head start when it's time to start about album #2.

Sonicbids: Here’s your chance; What’s one thing you’d like to tell everyone who listened to Glow?

Both: Thank you! It means the world to us that you are interested in our music. We didn't expect so much to happen so quickly for us and it's really because of you. I hope you find something special  in this album. Once again, thank you for listening

You can get your hands on GLOW HERE and keep track of everything Royal Teeth HERE.