Sonicbids Blog - Music Career Advice and Gigs

'Tis the Season: Tips for Selling Your Tunes

Written by Kate Myers | Nov 30, 2011 02:18 PM

With all the shopping frenzy of the past weekend it's clear that people are in the mood to buy. As emerging artists, there’s no reason not to join in the spirit and help boost your album sales this holiday season. Here are 4 quick tips that will surely help you make a few extra bucks and share your music this winter:

  • Be where they buy. Making it easy for your fans to find and buy your tunes is key. With finicky and impatient listeners out there, getting your music onto sites like iTunes, Amazon or Google Music makes it THAT much easier to purchase. If you're serious about selling your music check out CD Baby, Nimbit or Tunecore to get it distributed. And, don't forget to use apps from CD Baby or Topspin that let your fans buy your tunes through Facebook.

  • Be kind and remind. With all the shopping lists and to-dos this season, it’s easy to get distracted. That’s why you have to remind your fans that they can buy and (even better!) GIFT your music. Use social media or your newsletter to reach your fans and remind them that your latest EP could be the perfect stocking stuffer for that special someone.

  • Bundle Up! It seems everyone has some deal going these days. Pick a weekend to do exclusive giveaways with a purchase. Bundle an old EP with a new record at a discounted price or promise 2 new tracks via email with a purchase of your latest record.

  • Give thanks. If you have access to their email, make sure you say thanks post-purchase. Any personal connection you can make with fans will help you in your career and with future sales.

Have you had success selling your music during the holiday season? Share how you did it in the comments!