Sonicbids Blog - Music Career Advice and Gigs

Our Top 5 Videos with Lots of Food

Written by Tess Cychosz | Nov 23, 2011 04:07 PM
If you're celebrating Thanksgiving right this year, you'll be indulging in a disgusting amount of food. To get prepared, we thought we'd post a few videos that - well honestly, will probably gross you out - but they fit in our theme quite nicely. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

"Can't Shake This Feeling" by Grum

A video with an emotional story line - when good girls get mixed up with the wrong food.


"Tog" by Colourmusic

Some people like their food on the kitchen table. Others like it while rocking out.


"Chase Scene" by Broken Social Scene

Don't be deceived by the first few minutes; there is food-a-plenty here. Just you wait.


"Yea Yeah" by Matt and Kim

These guys have a commitment to copious amount of food.


"Fat" by Weird Al

Perhaps the greatest cinematic creation of all time. (In general - not just regarding videos with food.)