Sonicbids Blog - Music Career Advice and Gigs

We want YOU - Calling all musicians who have served

Written by Tess Cychosz | May 22, 2012 09:56 AM
The Sonicbids office is based in Boston, a city rich in American History, and we’re feeling a little patriotic here since Memorial Day is coming up. While we love our members all the same - whether you’re from South America, Australia or wherever in the world - next week we’d love to recognize our members who have served the Red, White and Blue.

So, tell us who you are! Leave a comment, or tweet at us @sonicbids if you or a member of your band has served for the USA. We’d love to know and we won’t unless you give us a shout.

In the meantime, we'll be warming up our grill and planning our menu for the epic cookout that we're planning on this weekend.