3 Quick Tips to Getting Started on Twitter

Posted by Kate Myers on Nov 15, 2010 05:09 PM
Kate Myers
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Sonicbids on TwitterChances are you’ve heard about Twitter – maybe someone even said they’d “totally follow you if you were on Twitter.” Well, what’s stopping you? Twitter can be a valuable resource for up-and-coming artists. Being a twitter-dork myself, I figured I’d give you some quick tips on how you can use Twitter to reach your fans and grow your online presence.

1.       Tweet @­­­ Me

The first step to ruling the Twitterverse is setting up an account. When picking a name on Twitter, remember your name (or handle as it’s called in the biz) shouldn’t be like your first screen name – nothing too embarrassing or silly here. Instead, you’ll want to come up with something that you can use for a long time.  Keep it simple so you can share it with lots of people. Our Product guy Lou uses Twitter for his band Oranjuly. Their twitter handle? @Oranjuly

2.       Twitter should be engaging

People follow their favorite bands and celebrities on Twitter because they want the scoop on their lives. While Twitter can be a great place to let fans know about upcoming shows, tour dates shouldn’t be the only content on your Twitter – that’s BORING. Instead post updates about projects you are working on, share links that interest you or even post pictures of the band on the road. Use your Twitter account to let fans get a more personal look into your life.

3.       No Tweet should be an island

Twitter is all about networking – for an artist that means getting fans and industry folks to notice you. Make sure you put your Twitter handle on your band page or EPK to make it easy for “tweeps” (that’s short for people on Twitter) to follow you. You can even respond to your fans if they ask a question or tweet about you.  Interactions like that are a unique ways to connect with your fans or start relationships with devoted fans that can be super important to your career. Finally, don’t forget to follow other interesting people on Twitter like bands and bloggers. Twitter can help you stay on top of industry news or help you discover a new band who could be a great touring partner!

One more thing. Sonicbids recently added a SYNC SETTINGS to your account which means you can update your Twitter from your Sonicbids account. Read more about that here.

Topics: Tips of the Trade


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