There’s no denying that organizations of all shapes and sizes are making a push towards social networking, including individual artists and bands. At this point, I’m sure you’ve heard of Facebook and may have even made an account already. But what’s the best, most efficient way to promote your band and your music through Facebook? Create an artist page.
Before I list off the benefits of having a Facebook Page for your band, let me quick explain what a Facebook page is and the difference between a page and profile. The main distinction is that profiles are for individual use and represent only the person using it, while pages are for organizations, artists, or other public domains. In an individual profile you gain friends and share a limited amount of information about yourself through status updates, photos, videos, and a very basic info section. Pages, on the other hand, are designed to reach the masses by way of gaining fans and engaging them in your artist page through viral media and communication.
So without further ado, here are my top reasons to use an artist page on Facebook:
- While profiles can only be accessed through friend requests, anyone on Facebook has the ability to “like” your page.
- Artist pages are indexed in search engines, making it so anyone on the Internet can search and view your page, even non-Facebook users.
- While a profile only has a limited number of tools (wall, photos, videos, etc.), pages are much more customizable with the ability to download or create different applications.
- Pages can have multiple administrators, giving your band the ability to contribute equally to the creation and maintenance of the page.
- When fans interact on your page (in the form of writing on the wall or “liking” something), that action is documented on their personal profiles’ news feed. Thus, allowing anyone they are friends with to see their interaction with your page.
- With a minimum of 10 fans, you’ll have the ability to track and measure the traffic on your page.
- On your page, you have the ability to mass message all of your fans, who then have the option of forwarding your message or posting it on their own wall.
I hope at this point you're wondering how to create your new artist page. Simple, just click here.
Once you’ve done so, don’t forget to install the new Sonicbids Facebook Artist Profile! For more information, take a look at the article here, or if you need help installing your new Facebook Artist Profile, check out our FAQ.