The artists below have had a lot of success networking with festival programmers, licensors and music buyers - so we thought, who better than to turn to when hearing about the best practices contacting promoters than our own members? Read on for their top tips and tricks. As always, share the knowledge and leave any more tips you might have picked up yourself!
- "One brilliantly fool-proof tip that guides all of my networking, connecting and professional interaction is to lead with an acknowledgement of the other person, or more simply put, MAKE IT ABOUT THEM! Promoters and industry insiders are accustomed to getting the "hard sell" all day. The truth is that they're just people like you and me. If you engage with kindness, confidence and start with a compliment, a mention of their work you've loved, or even how rad their outfit is, you'll make a friend and hopefully a fan out of anyone you meet. This little tip has changed my life." - Daria Musk
- "Make the most of the Sonicbids gig-search capabilities… you will find it to be very useful. Always follow-up with the promoter directly, after submitting to a gig opportunity." - Clay Guccione, Early Dolphin
- "We are always mindful of the type of music and presentation a promoter is looking for in their gig listing. We see the goal as putting ourselves and the promoter in a position to mutually succeed and that only happens when both sides are clear about what is expected and offered. When that happens, future possibilities open up and return engagements become a possibility. Sonicbids helps facilitate that process through providing detailed information about promoter expectations and allowing us as a band to review that person's previous bookings." - Adam Pergament, Venice Gas House Trolley
- Research your gig as much as possible to make sure it is a good fit. Check the promoter's website and view who the promoter has selected previously." -B. Bless, Paperchase Clique
- We always follow up immediately after being selected to let the promoters know that we are excited, thankful, responsible and professional. Every single experience we have had with Sonicbids has been absolutely awesome because of it!" - Jennifer Thorington, The Morning Birds (pictured)