Happy Friday the 13th! In celebration, we're rocking out like Jason and excited to have The Ballroom Thieves play in the Sonicbids house today. (Okay, maybe with their Folk vibe, there won't be tons of brutal guitar smashing, but ya never know).
Enjoy their performance with us today as we stream their gig live online at 5PM EST. Watch live here!!
While these Boston transplants formed recently during the summer of 2011, they already boast sharing the stage with an eclectic and impressive group such as Girl Talk, State Radio, Shwayze, Reel Big Fish and more.
Needless to say, we think these guys are gonna go far with their thievery and you'll be able to say you saw them here first. Check out what's happened for some of our past Office Gigs here.
See you today at 5pm, EST!