Book Music For Your Company Event

Posted by Nate Haltom on Oct 2, 2013 04:44 PM

office_party-2Throwing a successful party for your company is no easy task.  As we head into the holiday season with Halloween, Thanksgiving and New Years around the corner, we want to give you some tips on how to make the most of your office party.

1.     To booze or not to booze, that is the question.  Although having a few 6-packs of craft beers at a work party sounds great, moderation is key. Getting a little loose with coworkers can be a great way for folks to learn more about each other, but if you end up playing Never Have I Ever with your entire accounting team,things could get a little awkward at the office come Monday.

2.     The more food, the better.  A great way to actively combat the issue outlined in the first tip is to have plenty of food on hand at your event.  Whether you’re having it catered or doing a potluck, food is very important.  The benefit of having your coworkers bring food though is that everyone is a little more invested in the party since they have all contributed something to it.

3.     Games, games, games.  Sitting around talking works great at your average party, but work parties are different.  You could be completely cool discussing for hours with Barbara during the day, but take work-related topics out of the equation and conversations can dry up. 

So having a number of easy games on hand can really help to keep folks engaged and their eyes off the clock.  Suggestions?  Charades, Pictionary and Apples to Apples are all easy and tons of fun.  But some more seasonal games include bobbing for apples, Secret Santa and the donut on a string game (don’t know what it’s called, but it’s awesome).

4.     Bring on the jams.  If you really want people talking on Monday about how awesome the holiday party was, you need great entertainment.  The best office party I ever went to was The Echo Nest’s 8th Anniversary, which had Bad Rabbits playing.

In fact, it was probably just the best party I’ve ever been to, and the band totally set the tone.  So how do you find a great band or DJ for your company party?  I thought you’d never ask!  And lucky for you, Sonicbids has got you covered.  Just click the link and you’re on your way.  We’ll set up a listing based on your location, genre preferences and budget and help connect you with over 400,000 bands worldwide.  Get started on booking your kickass office party today so you can just when its time to party.

Find a Band for Your Company Party

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