Our series on featuring previous SXSW Official Performers continues. This time, with Boston based rock'n'rollers The Muck and the Mires. From collaborations with legendary producer Kim Fowley to tours with garage rock heroes the MC5, Muck and the Mires have most certainly earned the self-proclaimed title, “Boston’s International ambassadors of Garage Rock and Roll”. Check out what they had to say about their experience playing SXSW below. And don't forget, the deadline to submit to SXSW 2012 is creeping up quickly on November 4th!
Tell us a bit about your SXSW festival experience. What were the highs or surprises for you?
We have been playing SXSW for a number of years. Every year brings a unique experience, ranging from running into fellow Boston bands to meeting friends and fans from overseas. A high point was opening for and hanging out with the New York Dolls. Our biggest surprise was randomly running into our producer Kim Fowley and then getting whisked away to sing accapella behind him for his press and network interviews for The Runaways film.
What do you think stood out to the promoter when you were selected?
The fact that we have records out, we tour and we have a decent Austin draw. Plus our music has a wide demographic appeal, so we're a pretty easy fit for a variety of bills.
If you were going to play the festival again, what would you do differently?
Stay longer. Our schedule never seems to permit us to fully partake in everything that the festival has to offer. This year we are going to try and stick around until Sunday.
What impact did playing SXSW have on your career?
We recieved several endorsements including Vox amplification and GHS strings as a direct result of SXSW. We have developed an Austin following and we have made new fans all over the world.
What other bit of advice would you give to other bands applying to play SXSW?
Have fun! If you do not get selected, go anyway. You can still meet people, make contacts and play a day show.