As an independent musician there is a lot for you to figure out on your own. Where do you start? Breaking it down into 3 major categories to focus on is a start. First you need to Produce your Music, second you need to Sell your Music and third you need to Support your Music. These are the 3 categories that MusicNomad uses to organize thousands or resources to help independent musicians.
In the first major category (Produce Your Music) MusicNomad helps you explore key resources you need in categories such as finding Gear, Rehearsal Studios, Recording Studios, Record Labels, and Getting a Website and Social Network.
In the second major category (Sell Your Music) MusicNomad breaks it into 10 sub categories to help you make money in areas such as Selling your Music Online, Selling your Music in Retail Stores, Touring, Licensing your Music, and Selling your Band Merch.
In the third major category (Support Your Music) Music Nomad has 10 sub-categories to keep you playing such as Musicians Health Support, Legal Issues, People to Hire, Musician Forums, and Music Media Contacts.
Over the course of the next month, we are going to take a deeper dive into the best resources we have found in our research to help musicians produce, sell and support their music. You are going to want to check back to learn about them.
MusicNomad is a musicians advocate organization that tries to make sense of the vast and fragmented music industry through researching, interviewing, reviewing and ranking thousands of companies in the music industry and filtering the ones that can really help musicians. They then do write ups on the companies, rank them and give you a direct link to their website. There are also tips, news and articles for musicians to explore. The Website ( is free to use and focuses on fighting for the underdog, independent musicians!