Nice to meet you, Sonicbids members

Posted by brenden on Jun 14, 2010 04:30 AM
Sonicbids Members,

I’m writing this post to introduce myself as a new part of your community. A few years ago, I started a website called ArtistData. The mission of the site was to greatly simplify a musician’s life in regards to data management. We built tools that automated the monotonous updating of websites, social networks, tour documents, and more. In a few short years, the ArtistData community grew to over 25,000 artists and I’m excited that today, Sonicbids announced the acquisition of ArtistData. You can read the note from Sonicbids here, as well as the note from me to ArtistData users here.

This means that in addition to interacting with the amazing ArtistData members, I get to meet all of you as well! I’m joining Sonicbids officially as VP Strategic Development, but think of me as someone who’s going to help Sonicbids do what they do even better. That could mean working on useful new features, better communicating with you guys, or anything else that we feel will make your experience more valuable. I’m excited to get started.

It’s important to me that you know who I am and where I come from, so here’s a very brief bio.

I grew up in Baltimore and went to college in Nashville, which is where I got interested in the music business. In college, I organized and produced one of the largest music festivals in the city. I also did a full time work-study program at CAA. After graduating, I moved to Chicago to work for Aware, a record label and management company. While there, I worked on projects for John Mayer, The Fray, and spent a lot of time on the management team for Mat Kearney. After about 3 years, I left to start ArtistData. Over the past 3 years, I’ve worked with a small team to build one of the music industries most useful promotion platforms. This had led me to some interesting opportunities, including speaking at a lot of industry conferences and meeting tons and tons of folks at top music companies. Here and there, I’ve also been involved in helping an online music store with their strategy, managing the folk rock band The August, and consulting bands. I even spent 3 weeks on a tour bus during John Mayer’s 2007 winter arena tour as Mat Kearney’s tour manager.

My time in the music industry has been amazing, and I’m passionate about helping artists build more sustainable careers. That’s why I’m so excited to join Sonicbids. They have already helped so many artists and together with ArtistData, I feel like we’re going to knock it out of the park. We have so much cool stuff in store and over the next year you should see some amazing and drastic improvements to Sonicbids. It’s going to be awesome.

If you want to reach out, I’m always talking about music and entrepreneurship on Twitter at @bmull and my blog at Please say hello, I really look forward to meeting you guys.


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