A Record Store Weekend Raid

Posted by Tess Cychosz on Apr 30, 2012 01:05 PM
Tess Cychosz
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If you consider yourself a music fan, you're likely aware that April 21 was Record Store Day - one of the most wonderful days on the year where humankind celebrates the beauty of vinyl and the independently owned brick and mortar record stores that are still in existence. Don't get me wrong: I love the ease and convenience of streaming services like Spotify and Rdio just as much as the next music listener, but I still stand by the idea that nothing beats a good old fashioned peruse of dusty vinyl on a Saturday afternoon.

Behold, evidence of our vinyl addiction.

Admittedly, I wasn't able to get out to a store on the 21st, but during a weekend trip to Montreal, my audiophile boyfriend and I did some serious, serious damage and more than made up for it. (Click image to enlarge).

What you see there, dear friends, is the nearly 30 records purchased between the two of us. Some highlights:

  • A limited edition of Black Keys' debut record, The Big Come Up Reverse Cover, on clear vinyl.

  • Three of the four first self titled solo records by Peter Gabriel - all under $5 each.

  • Catering to my love of MJ, a Picture Disc of Bad. (To be clear, the Thriller and Off the Wall purchases you see here were not mine - I have my own copies that have been beloved and in my possession for years.)

  • Gram Parson's Grievous Angel  - which as I just learned this weekend, is considered to be one of the very first records to blend Country with Rock'n'Roll.

  • The Last Waltz by The Band, which felt a poetic purchase given that we were a) in Canada and b) Levon Helm had just passed away.

  • The healthy dose of some other classic artists like The Velvet Underground and Queen.

Even though the majority of these purchases were cheaper than buying a new album off of iTunes, we were a bit embarrassed when we walked back to our hotel, heavy laden with the evidence of our vinyl binge. The plus side is that after this weekend, I believe we’ll continue to see the grown of vinyl sales in 2012.

If you share an addiction like us, leave a comment here or on our Facebook and please let us know that we're not the only crazies out there. Strength in numbers, friends. Strength in numbers.

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