Sex & Rock ‘n’ Roll – Still The Perfect Combo?

Posted by Marya Mclaughlin on Dec 15, 2011 09:00 AM
Marya Mclaughlin
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When it comes to the music world, the more controversial the better. I write this as I sit listening to Kanye West – probably one of the more controversial artists out there right now. But whereas the past saw musicians making waves with their music and message, we’re seeing more jaw dropping stunts performed that have absolutely nothing to do with music. (K. West vs. T. Swift, anyone? K. West vs. George Bush? Ok, enough Kanye…)

Case in point – the popular site Is Anyone Up? [NSFW] where pictures are posted of naked musicians and their groupies. Though the site is a year old already, it’s only been popping up in news sites in the last month. Notably, Hypebot took a stance on the site in the ways it can relate to positive or negative press for a given band or artist. The conclusions? It’s all about the spin. And if you have the high-powered lawyers and agents to turn your naked photos into good press then good for you. But what about the average DIY musician? Does a site like Is Anyone Up? help or hurt?

Personally, I’m of the stance that it can only hurt you. You may like the attention, but it should be on the music – not your body. Don’t get me wrong, I like my musicians attractive (I grew up in the boy band era, okay) – but you have to have the substance and musical talent to back it up. I remember a time growing up when a leaked naked picture of a celebrity would be enough to end their career. But in this world driven by tweets and ‘likes’ it’s almost a requirement. I find it quite sad that we can’t get past the lure of the image, but I understand it. This industry is all about the whole package (no pun intended).

And aside from all the hype and controversy, it looks like sites like Is Anyone Up? are here to stay. What do you guys think? Do sites like Is Anyone Up? bring you the attention you want or cause more trouble than they’re worth?

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