Sonicbids Artists in the Office!, Part 1

Posted by Brendon Green on Feb 25, 2010 03:16 PM

As I mentioned in my last post, we’ve initiated a monthly concert series right here in the Sonicbids office. This month, we had a double feature just to kick things off!

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First, Alex Brumel & Janel Elizabeth made a soulful appearance on Friday, February 12. These guys are friends with our trusty Business Development rep, Kyle, and were in town for a quick showcase at the NACA National Conference. They performed some great original tunes featuring Alex’s intricate guitar work and fantastic vocal harmonies from both Alex and Janel. They also were huge fans of Sonicbids brand T-shirts and (gasp, Alex!) underwear.

Then, we kicked off this week with an energetic performance by Milwaukee-based musician Margaret Stutt, known by her stage name Pezzettino. Bringing only an accordion, a glockenspiel and some handmade vinyl singles, she (literally) rocked the office kitchen with a whimsical, inspired performance. There was also some great audience participation on the final song “You Never Know,” which involved the entire company stomping its collective feet and making up its own rhythms. Plus, Jeff in Business Development nearly got away with the accordion in the end (an unsuccessful attempt, fortunately for Margaret).


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