Sonicbids Walkthrough: Selecting a Band for Your Gig

Posted by Robert Nicholson on Jan 6, 2014 12:12 PM
Robert Nicholson
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Today’s walkthrough is for Promoters. We will be covering gig submissions, and how to choose an artist for your gig. Before we jump into that lets take a step back and make sure we have our gig created.

To create a listing, click “post a gig” in the top navigation and fill in the information provided.


Once your gig has gone live bands can then submit their EPKs. 

How to Select a Band

Now that your gig has gone live, and artists have submitted their EPKs, it is time to choose a performer. The first thing you will want to do is head to the gig you want to choose a band for. To find your live gigs head to your dashboard. Under “my gigs” you will see a section titled “published”.  Here you will find your live gigs.


To select the gig you are looking to choose a winner for, click on the gig's name, which is highlighted in blue. Here you will see the details of the gig and the artists who have submitted their EPKs. 


To see more on an artist, or to hear their music, click the band's name (which is highlighted in blue.) More information will populate underneath their name. Here you will be able to toggle back and forth between songs, photos, videos, and their application. If you decide you like that band, click on the "thumbs up" icon located to the right of their name.


After you have gone through and selected the band you would like to preform scroll back up to the top, and click on the orange "award gig" button. If you have yet to "thumbs up" a band, the "award gig" button will not be orange, nor clickable. You need to "thumbs up" a band before you can award them the gig.   


Once you have decided which band you want to award the gig to, and have clicked on the orange button, it is time to let them know. You will be prompted with a pop-up where you will be able to write the band a message letting them know they have received the gig. You have the choice either send them the message immediately, or on the date the gig is listed to be reviewed. Make sure to write any information you want the band to know, or anything they should aware of.


Once your message is sent, you are all set. If you have any questions on awarding gigs, please let us know.  

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