We're always spreading the knowledge and offering Sonicbids members the insider scoop on getting gigs. So our series continues interviewing artists who've rocked out previously at SXSW with their experience and also giving a few tips to keep in mind for when you apply. (Speaking of applying, if you submit by Oct. 7th you save $10!) Here's what former performers Batwings Catwings have to say!
Tell us a bit about your SXSW festival experience. What were the highlights?
It was really awesome to see so many bands in the same area loading and unloading and setting up and tearing down and going through that gig-to-gig routine. It was like we were all in it together and were being rewarded for all that work to be able to play such a well known event like SXSW. The highs were all the free beer and the being in a band culture, talking about music, sharing stories and just bonding with so many like minded people. It was rad.
Great to hear. What do you think stood out to the promoter when you were selected?
I think that we just had a sound that fit the night. Being between Japanther and The Zoo Bombs is such a rock-n-roll explosion. I guess we were the rock jelly between two pieces of rolls! Haha...
Rock jelly! That's my new favorite phrase. So, what impact did bringing the rock jelly to SXSW have on your career?
It is such a rad thing to talk with people about SXSW and playing an official showcase. It is like a badge of honor, "Oh, wow, you guys played SXSW huh?!" It carries a certain clout. It means that you are a serious band who is wanting to really make it happen.
What other bit of advice would you give to other bands who are serious too that are applying to play SXSW?
Apply and just keep plugging away. Email promoters, find the showcases you think you would like to be part of and send links, photos, mp3s or anything that makes it easy for promoters to check you out and add you to their shows.