So this whole music thing – when did you guys decide to make a focus of it? Was there an event or something that triggered you guys to say that the band was more than a just a fun hobby?
It really happened organically for us. We never set out to make it a career, we just wanted to play music and have a good time. So that’s what we did, but then people started listening and we started gaining support and I think the more people dug the music the more serious it became.
What do you hope listeners will get from your music?
Anytime you can strike an emotion with a listener it is a good thing as far as I’m concerned. Music is like therapy for a lot of people and if a song can bring peace then we are doing our job. It is always humbling to hear someone say “that song got me through this time in my life.” It make us realized that there is a connection and that’s awesome.
Back in the day, most people found music on the radio or MTV. Obviously, today there is a plethora of ways to hear about new music. How do you find new bands or artists that you like to listen to?
I usually find music from my friends. That’s one reason they are my friends in the first place. Where do they find music? --Most likely through multiple avenues. The trend has been through viral sites, blogs and demand streaming, but those mediums will never out do friends with dope music tastes.
Recently you had a successful night in NYC at The Living Room with the IMAs. Were there any highlights from the gig or anything that made it unique for you?
We have played at the Living Room Multiple times so it wasn’t our first rodeo there but there is something wonderful about that room. It might be all of the great acts who have graced that stage but I really love the Living Room. And as far as the IMA showcase is concerned, the artists were all outstanding. It brought validity to the IMAs after hearing the other acts perform.
What’s coming next from you that we should be on the look-out for? Tours, videos, new albums?
Yes, yes and yes. We have always been a band that is on the move so I hope that in the future we get to experience more of what we’ve been able to do thus far. Who knows what’s in store. The only guarantee is it will be a good time.
Like this post? Check out my other interviews with IMA winners, Gina's Picture Show, Toy Soldiers, and Matt Simons!