"We worked our asses of and felt we made the most of it. We played all the showcases we could and talked to as many people as possible. We found out that sometimes the most underrated events can turn out to be the most important and mean the greatest difference. One thing we might need to do different and moderate more next time is the consumption of Tex-Mex and melted cheese…"
- Alcoholic Faith Mission (Copenhagen). Read the full interview here.

"Get your visas sorted well in advance, book flights as soon as possible to keep the costs down, apply to your local and national arts groups and councils for any funding they can help you with, pack a toothbrush and have fun! There are very few opportunities in the music business quite like SXSW, it is a once in a lifetime experience."
- LaFaro (Ireland). Read the full interview here.

"It’s up to you how many emails you want to send out to either get rejected or be accepted into a line up for a show. It’s up to you how many hours you invest into putting your SXSW performance schedule together. If you put hard work into positioning yourself, you will eventually be rewarded with a great slot. "
- Zorch (Austin). Read the full interview here.

- Mgmt for SO & SO (LA). Read the full interview here.