We're Falling in Love with Unicycle Loves You

Posted by Kate Myers on Feb 14, 2012 05:45 PM
Kate Myers
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Valentine’s Day is a day of love and cherishing the people around you. Well, that’s great and all but what we cherish the most is music. So we decided to reach out to a band who seems to love music and you! Meet Unicycle Loves You, led by Jim Carroll. The band is based out of Chitown and they sure know how to get fans moving (just check out their track "Piranha" below).

Even with all of today’s lovely festivities, Carroll was kind enough to catch up with us on their band name, favorite love song to perform and what’s up next for this rock ‘n alternative mode of transportation.

We love your band name (regardless of the day). What inspired it?

I used to make solo home recordings under the name Unicycle and give them out to friends. We just added the Loves You when we became a band. We figured that would be pretty Googleable.

Being Googleable is pretty key. Since it’s Valentine’s Day here in the states, we have to ask, what's your favorite love song to perform?

We have a new one called "Sun Comes Out (And I Don't Care)," which could be considered a love song written for my cat.

Hmm sounds interesting. On a more general note, define your sound for our readers.

We never want our sound to be limited by a sub-genre. So, to make things easy we'll settle on noise pop since we'll always be making noise, and we'll always be writing pop.

Good call. And that sound has gotten you places so far. What has been your favorite gig so far in your career?

Opening up for Weezer in 2010 was the most surreal experience, by far. We haven't played in front of a crowd that huge before or since (yet).

You got booked for CMJ through Sonicbids. How was performing in NYC? 

CMJ's always a great time! NYC's the best city in the world and we have so many friends and loved ones there.

What advice would you give to artists trying to play a festival like CMJ?

Network with as many blogs, venues, music freaks and bands as you can, help each other out, and play as many showcases as you can get. Official or unofficial, the more you have, the better chance to get your music to new ears.

What's up next for Unicycle Loves You in 2012?

Our new album "Failure" comes out on Brooklyn's Mecca Lecca Recording Co. on February 14, Valentine's Day! Then we hit the road on a national tour throughout March and April, routing through SXSW, hitting both coasts, and more.

Unicycle Loves You - "Piranha" from Unicycle Loves You on Vimeo.

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