Sonicbids Update: 1/17/14

Posted by Sonicbids Staff on Jan 17, 2014 11:00 AM

Here is the list of issues we fixed yesterday and what we are working on today. If you are having a problem that you don't see addressed below, please let us know.

Today's Fixes:

  • Hide listing terms and conditions section when no custom terms and conditions exist
  • Check to make sure that user has added their answers to questions in the pitch section of the application
  • Fixed "Add Show" button at top of Promoter's Manage Calendar view
  • Added handler for ad hoc messages from Promoter Inbox
  • Fixed a bug in the Promoter Inbox that caused the menu to be cut off
  • Fixed multiple problems with submitting an application to listings with multiple categories with different required media
  • Fixed problem with adding lyrics while applying to a listing
  • Fixed collision between band leads and bands in calendar Solr index that prevented band leads from being displayed in the search results when adding a new calendar slot
  • Updated password reset functionality so that it works with legacy system usernames as well as new system usernames and email addresses
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from canceling their past due membership
  • Save more information in an application draft: rider, stage plot, lyrics, media selections, state of terms and conditions checkbox
  • Fixed Solr memory and replication bugs that caused inconsistent search results
  • Don't update user's username when they update their email address if their username isn't already and email address

Upcoming Fixes:

  • Fix error in contest voting for bands already logged into Sonicbids with their username and password
  • Fix error in contest voting for bands logged in with Facebook who have not voted before

If you are having a problem that hasn't been covered in these updates, please chat with our Support team so we can get it fixed for you. There's a live chat widget at the bottom of most pages, or you can file a ticket at

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