5 Inspirational Quotes That Will Help Any Musician Survive Tough Times

Posted by Eric Bernsen on May 20, 2016 08:00 AM
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Sometimes, all it takes is one inspirational quote to change your outlook and turn a bad day into a learning experience. Life as an independent musician can be a rocky road, and there are many times when the technicalities of the business can bog you down and damper your spirits. But remembering why you love making music and your purpose for doing so are what will ultimately keep you on the right track. Here are five quotes to save as a source of motivation to keep creating and performing during the tough times.

1. "I don’t want to give any advice to a 19-year-old, because I want a 19-year-old to make mistakes and learn from them. Make mistakes, make mistakes, make mistakes. Just make sure they’re your mistakes." – Fiona Apple

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Don’t be afraid to fail, especially when you're young. Every trial and tribulation is a learning experience. But when you make a mistake, be sure you did it on your own accord rather than just doing what someone else told you to do. Innovation is as likely to come from a 16-year-old as an artist with decades of experience. So don’t be afraid to rock the boat and try new things that you truly believe in!


2. "I have discovered my single greatest quality. I care. Everyone can say anything they want about me, but they could never say I didn’t care. I care about people. I care about our future. I care about truth. I care about quality." – Kanye West

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Kanye West is often criticized for his outlandish antics and what some see as an egotistical mindset. But while the expression and thought process regarding his creative genius can be critiqued, the result of his life’s work is hard to deny. His series of tweets transform into a quote that's important for every artist to understand: passionately caring about your work is what will carry you through your entire career. Show the world that you take pride in your art and care about the people with whom you share it.


3. "All a musician can do is get closer to the source." – John Coltrane

John_Coltrane_1963.jpgPhoto by Hugo van Gelderen/Anefo via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 3.0

This may seem like a vague statement, but legendary jazz artist John Coltrane hit the nail on the head with this quote. By "getting closer to the source," you're finding the true purpose in your work and gaining a better understanding of what creative expression means to you. The source can exist in any kind of memory or current relationship you have. But the one constant is that within it, you’ll find strong emotion. If you're able to convey the source of what makes you a unique individual in your music, the authenticity will reach your listeners and you’ll be proud that you shared your truths with the world.


4. "I’m not saying I’m going to change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." – Tupac Shakur

4731105539_00e0cd0486_o_1Photo by Tupac Amaru Shakur via Flickr / CC BY 2.0

Tupac has an endless list of memorable quotes ranging from bluntly honest statements on society to inspirational advice fueled by greater meaning. This quote stands out among the rest because it doesn't focus on himself, but rather the impact his life will have on future generations. It's fair to say that Tupac inspired Kendrick Lamar, and as crazy as it sounds, you have the same power. Your music doesn’t have to be heard by millions of people for it to make a difference. All it takes is one person to hear one song of yours that he or she relates to, and from there anything is possible. So when it seems as if no one cares about your music, always remember you could be changing someone’s life for the better.


5. "It’s better to fail in originality than succeed in imitation." – Michael Jackson

Michael_Jackson1_1988.jpgPhoto by Zoran Veselinovic via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 2.0

The King of Pop is labeled as such for a reason. Michael Jackson was one of the most influential musicians in history, and it's because he prided himself on individuality. This quote contains perhaps the most important lesson of all: never try to be something you’re not. Don’t imitate a certain style or sound because you see others are succeeding by taking that shortcut. It'll take longer for people to appreciate you for you, but staying true to your life experiences and natural abilities as an artist is the definition of originality – and originality is the staircase to longevity.


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Eric Bernsen is a marketing/public relations professional and music journalist who specializes in the genre of hip-hop. You can find more of his work at HITPmusic.com (where he is an editor/writer) as well as HipHop-N-More.com, where he contributes album reviews. Follow Eric on Twitter @ebernsen.

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