Start Getting Press: 5 More of the Top Blogs for Up-and-Coming Hip-Hop Artists

Posted by Eric Bernsen on Dec 16, 2015 09:00 AM
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In hip-hop more than any other genre, independent artists have a strong desire to be featured on the nationally read blogs that are buzzed about on social media on a daily basis. While a post from a popular blog won't make or break your career in and of itself, certain websites have more of an affinity than others for getting the word out about up-and-coming independent talent. If you've already checked out our first roundup of the best niche hip-hop blogs for independent artists, here are five more excellent options for you to try reaching out to for coverage

1. Pigeons and Planes

Pigeons and Planes is one of the top music discovery websites on the internet when it comes to hip-hop music, as well as numerous other genres. A post on Pigeons and Planes will not only reach a large audience, but it will do so with a distinct level of professionalism. Don't get discouraged if it takes some time for P&P to post your music; they're relatively particular with their selections. Here's a description from Pigeons and Planes that breaks down the significance of the "pigeons" part of its name, which could not be more relevant to you as a rising indie artist:

"We get asked what the name 'Pigeons and Planes' means a lot. The idea was to incorporate two things that are complete opposites but also have something in common. In this case that common thing is flight. A pigeon is the perfect symbol for the starving artists who are trying to survive in an urban world that wasn’t made for them. They’re mostly ignored, mostly unwanted, and there are a lot of them. It’s a tough life, but they survive however they can and when the time comes, they take flight."

How to get featured: Contact info can be found here.

2. The Fader

A digital-magazine-style publication that proclaims itself as "the definitive voice of music and the lifestyle that surrounds it," The Fader is one of the more artistically-friendly platforms out there that doesn't even feel right to label as a "blog." With a creatively designed, easy-on-the-eyes layout and some of the best music journalists in the field, The Fader is a premier destination for all musicians, and it's especially cool if you make it onto their publication as an independent hip-hop artist. It may take a lot of work and a breakout project to grace The Fader pages, but it's well worth your time to build relationships with its writers from the get-go and keep them up to date on your growth. You may not get a full-length feature a la Drake, but once you work hard enough and your craft reaches the professionalism that The Fader lives by, one write-up will prove to be quite impactful as the rest of the blogosphere oohs and aahs.

How to get featured: Contact info can be found here, but take note of the writers who do premieres and try to find direct email addresses for them, since it can be a challenge to get featured otherwise.

3. 2DopeBoyz

One of the most respected and longstanding hip-hop blogs, 2DopeBoyz is no stranger to the independent scene. Armed with a dedicated staff who churns out posts with an impressive level of consistency, getting posted on 2DBZ is an attainable feat, but also an accomplishment that's easier said than done. No matter what type of hip-hop music you make, 2DBZ will give it ears and fairly evaluate the quality of the product. There's a dedicated readership that will click through every post, regardless of how big your name is.

How to get featured: Shake and Meka are your go-to guys. The email address provided on their website is

4. Complex

Complex is a leader in the world of online hip-hop coverage. A profitable platform that owns a large majority of the hip-hop blogs you explore every day, Complex provides the latest not only in music, but also style, sneakers, sports, and entertainment. Never afraid to stir things up with a controversial headline or opinion, you may get the impression that Complex would never give you a chance as a relatively unknown artist. However, Complex has proven itself as an outlet that's well-versed in today’s sounds, and is quite confident in its taste when deciding whose music will receive the universally sought-after premiere.

How to get featured: General contact info may not get you too far, but the email addresses of music editors and writers aren't too hard to find with enough research.

5. DJ Booth

Last but certainly not least, DJ Booth has earned itself the irrefutable reputation as one of the best hip-hop websites out there that provides top-notch journalism. World renowned for its features and op-ed pieces, DJ Booth has a fanbase that continuously admires and appreciates the work its writers put in on a consistent basis. DJ Booth has a lot of love for independent hip-hop artists who work hard and understand that the grind is a process that takes a lot of time and effort. Individual song/video write-ups are no longer a staple on DJ Booth, but any coverage you receive is a definitive accomplishment that you should be proud of.

How to get featured: Submit your music for consideration here.


Eric Bernsen is a marketing/public relations professional and music journalist who specializes in the genre of hip-hop. You can find more of his work at (where he is an editor/writer) as well as, where he contributes album reviews. Follow Eric on Twitter @ebernsen.

Topics: hip-hop, press, Music Business 101

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