We know how crazy the last few weeks of the year can be. Traveling, shopping, cooking – there just aren't enough hours in the day. Lucky for you road warriors and mall rats, we've compiled the top 10 most read articles published on the Sonicbids blog last week, just to make your life a little easier. Take a break from the hustle and bustle and catch up on what you might have missed.
1. 15 Simple Rules for Making It in the Music Industry
Add these 15 tips into your daily life to create a successful career in the music industry.
2. 3 Musician Branding Fails We Should All Learn From
Learn from these artists' mistakes and shape your branding to serve both you and your music.
3. 3 Ways to Become Your Hometown’s Favorite Band
Before you conquer the world, you must conquer your hometown. Here are three simple ways to enhance your band's profile at home.
4. 4 Ways to Fill Awkward Silences During Your Performances
Don't let your performance stall as a result of long, awkward pauses. Use these four tips to fill the void!
5. 6 Awesome Gift Ideas Under $25 for the Musician in Your Life
Check all of your musical friends off your holiday shopping list with these six items perfect for the music-lover in your life!
6. Understanding Frequencies: How to Describe What You're Hearing to Your Sound Tech
Learn the science behind your sound with this handy hearing guide and primer on communicating more effectively with your sound engineer.
7. No Email Blasts Required: 5 Creative Secrets of Getting Press for Your Band
When that massive email blast about your awesome new album just isn't working, try these creative, publicist-approved PR campaign ideas instead.
8. 6 Things You Need to Know About Getting Your Songs Placed in Video Games
Video games are a bigger deal than Hollywood these days. Here's how to get your song placed in one.
9. 3 Reasons Why Comparisons Hurt Your Music Career (And How to Stop)
Stop comparing yourself to other artists and start focusing on your own amazing music career with these helpful tips.
10. 5 Signs It's Time to Break Up With Your Manager
Just like in real relationships, relationships with managers can also come to an end. Here are five signs it's time for a kiss off.